CB University Review 2020: Is ClickBank A Scam Or A Fast Lane to Achieve The Financial Empowerment You Daydream About?

This CB University review isn’t an attempt to mind-driving you into sticking or bashing the 22-year old worldwide retailer. This CB University review is nothing but an honest, comprehensive guide on CBU version 2.0 that aims to make you informed enough to make a simple Yes-or-No decision. Your decision!

Pre-CB University Review: Abridged Notebook About ClickBank

You can’t dive straight into CB University review without pausing to learn about the headmaster responsible for harboring the lessons.

Here are some few facts about the San Diageo in-origin company:

  • Tim and Eileen Barber are the two geniuses responsible for creating ClickBank. 
  • By 2011, the site was an automatic-destination for over 1.5 million affiliate marketers. 
  • As of 2014, ClickBank was home to six million+ clients.
  • Sellers with less than 5 sales never get paid! 
  • Among North America’s internet retailers, ClickBank is ranked in 87th place. 
  • ClickBank officially distributes to over 190 countries (another reason why you should have a CB University review). 

Does ClickBank Offer Actionable Money-Making Procedures?

No. ClickBank offers a rent-free space on the digital medium. Apart from that, nix! The majority of ClickBank users have little to no profits. A few do well on the retailing platform.

Only a tiny chunk of ClickBank 200 million+ user base are the ones making the – 100k+ a month – profits which internet gurus desperately claim to have the “one-click magical secret” for!

The hard truth is: there is no one-click away magical CB secret.

To grasp the maximum benefits during your stay at ClickBank, you will need to get out of your comfort zone and DO – mostly learn – what needs to be done!

Take your ClickBank baby steps and do the following tasks.

  1. Learn your 101 on traffic (covered thoroughly on CB University review – section 3)
  2. Become ads-knowledgeable. 
  3. Apply your newly-learned skillsets into reality by starting, managing, and successfully promoting a website or a blog. 
  4. Unleash the artist beneath and pick a theme that sells! 
  5. Have a decent copywriting knowledge. 
  6. Your landing page is a vital part of the process. Pay heavily for those with the right skills to build a solid one. 

CB University Review: The Pricing

ClickBank asks for no monthly payments – yippee! Nevertheless, vendors are obligated to pay an activation fee of about $49.95. Affiliates don’t even need to worry about those activation fees. They can start making money right away!

As for ClickBank University, you will need to dedicate a $47 a month to continue receiving your education. Plus, you will need to pay an amount of $594 for training-related products that ClickBank sees essential for your education!

CB University Review – Section 1: Do Vendors Need To Enroll In A Three-Month Long Of Lessons?

This section is all about building and launching your first product into ClickBank. This section of the learning program extends for 12 weeks. The dozen weeks are needed for a good reason since it explains it all!

The section starts from the pre-product creation phase. It starts from writing a product description that sells to creating the customer buyout capable avatar!

Moving forward, you will learn what the different formats you can present your product through (a video or an e-book, for instance).

ClickBank University won’t teach you how to create your product – sorry, that part only you do! – but they offer helpful guidelines to learn about – if you want to outsource the production part to an outside firm.

So far, this is the education you get in your first month at CBU (do you value it at $47 a month? Some do, some not!).

Your second month at CBU will start with an upsell workshop.

By the end of week six – half of your CBU vendors program – you should have all you need in copywriting skills and learn fully-proved conversion methodologies.

At ClickBank University, they realize the value of video in marketing. Thus, they’ve dedicated a whole week period of your CBU education time to master the art of selling goods through visual content.

Near the end of your first section – as a vendor – you will have to go through some extra lessons to finalize your product and get it into CB in the right way (don’t skip those!).

The rest to learn to be a fully educated vendor is to attract affiliates and scale up your business. Which CB generously spoon-feed you.

The multi-category nature of this section helped gained CB University review a couple of extra points.


CB University Review – Section 2: Is The Two-Months Affiliate Learning-Program Worthy?

Aren’t you a product creator type of person? So, are you reading about the CB University review to strengthen your affiliate power? This eight-week program is for you.

This section starts at tortoise-speed. You will first understand affiliate marketing, the power behind it, and the profit plan of affiliate marketing.

Leason three is called “Finding Your Passion.” It’s a fun run and a good pause from the strategic approach of the CBU program. During it, you will learn all regarding niche-scouting (a decent educational lunch for business-hungry personalities).

Moving ahead, you will take your 101 lessons to funnel page building (a CBU must-learn topic!).

CBU learning approach moves to more vital topics. You will learn about the power of the email and how to let a customer open your email.

Like its previous section, learning expanding and scaling tips will be the way to conclude your learning process in ClickBank University section two.

The section is information-rich. When you add persistence to the raw-education you receive, the affiliate marketing topic won’t be a hurdle anymore!


CB University Review – Section 3: Does ClickBank Sets Of Traffic Lessons Make Your Business A Traffic-Magnet?

So, what do you possess till now? A ready-to-serve product (yippee!), a fully functioning funnel page (even better!), Mmmm, what’s missing? Ooh yeah! Without traffic, your heavily paid-for – both in money and time currencies – funnel page won’t worth a thing (i.e., your whole education is pointless without moving forward!).

Disappointing hah! Not without seasoning your educational-meal with a little extra piece of knowledge (traffic!).

The lesson goes easy on the education-seeker and discusses only two traffic-gaining strategies, yet, the essential traffic-gaining strategies! They are:

  1. Facebook Ads
  2. Instagram Influencers

In a nutshell, here is what this traffic-gaining section will teach you:

  • IG influencers should be your closest friends while seeking traffic for your business (even if keeping the friendship will cost you $1000 an hour).
  • Once IG influencers did their job, retarget your Instagram ads to your audience at the photo-sharing platform bigger brother – that’s where 2.7 billion monthly active users do their online-socializing (i.e., Facebook!). 
  • Remember that product you learned how to make during section one? Here is when you finally get to sell it (a thousand-mile ride – I know – but it worth the drive). During this lesson, you will learn basic selling techniques to help you maximize sales at both platforms – Facebook and Instagram. 

This CB University review only can give you in-course detailed info. Whether it’s beneficial for you or not is something beyond the scope of this CB University review (is it – these topics – beneficial to you? Only you can provide an answer).


CB University Review: The Community

CBU community (chat forum) is a place where an oldie can use his/her time-gained experience to knowledge-rescue a needy newbie or learner in the middle of a hurdle.

Besides that, CBU learners sharing the same educational level can discuss their lessons and reap the full benefit that the social aspect brings to the digitally-hosted educational institutions.

CB University Review: The Live Q&A (Receive Your Educational Meal On-Air!)

Aren’t you well-satisfied with the chat forum? No worries! How about a video Q&A learning approach? Mmm Yummy! If you can’t make it live, no problem. This isn’t a raw-info section; this is only bonus info!

CB University Review: The Tools

CBU tools target the less computer-savvy ClickBank learner. With them, you will learn things like:

  • Using Camtasia software to record your video sales. 
  • Mastering sales PowerPoint creation. 
  • GoDaddy and your custom domain setup. 
  • Using CB Builder to engineer your first funnel page. 
  • Using social media boosting tools like HootSuite to power-up your CB success chances. 

Is CBU Learning-Ladder Overwhelming?

Yes. It is indeed, overwhelming. I guess perhaps that’s why they call it a university. Do you think it’s a two-person meal? Don’t digest it all at once! Staging is your friend at CBU. Receive your education in smaller chunks over time, so you don’t get burnout-touched.

CBU VS College: Who Rules?

Only judging by the knowledge you received from this CB University review, Do you prefer the ClickBank University program or a 4 Year-Long MBA and debt that drinks all your job salary.

Am on team CBU? What team are you in?


CB University Review Final Verdict: Does It Worth Your Hardly-Earned Buck?

Yes, it does. But only if you were online-involved, which means what? Meaning; if you run an online business, produce content over the web (a blogger or YouTube content maker), or a physical business owner seeking to online-refuge his/her business for reachability reasons, then the CBU team deserves the $47 they ask you each month (it’s the best thing to invest a $47 on!).

The Alternatives

CB University review wasn’t convincing enough? No worries! Education worth going to China for, and there are plenty of nearby places – over the web – where you can receive ClickBank-equal education.

By surfing the web, you will find plenty of CB alternatives, yet, Wealthy Affiliate is by far the one with the closest educational-quality to CBU.

Wealthy affiliate offers a comprehensive educational program with 300 hours worth of raw-material knowledge (that’s a two-and-a-half-month period if you were dedicating 4 hours of your day to educate).

CB University In A Nutshell!

CB University review isn’t the court-judge. Your decision-making process is! A half-an-year-long education might not be necessary if you weren’t 100% committed and fully-in-need of receiving that kind of learning – not anyone does – do you?

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