Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam Or Legitimate? Your A to Z Guide Into Affiliate Marketing

Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or legitimate? It might seem like a weird question for people who are new to online or affiliate marketing. But be patient because, after this article, you are not going to be one!

Right now, there is a massive awakening on the planet; people are starting to realize their true worth. Many people are refusing to work as employees any more, and the direction into being the master of your own sea is being taken by many new aspiring entrepreneurs and business marketers.

If you are tired of having an eight to five job and feel like the bell is ringing for you to be the CEO of your own company, this article is for you. Suppose you have already stepped into the danger zone, quitted your current job, and are interested in starting your own affiliate marketing business. In that case, this article is also for you! 

You might be roaming the internet, and the term “Wealthy Affiliate” came your way. You might have read many articles about it. And right now, you are querying, Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or legitimate

We have a whole lot to talk about! And I am going to break our article into sections, to make everything as easy as possible.

First, What Is Wealthy Affiliate? 

Beforehand, let’s start with the good old way, as known as definitions! Wealthy Affiliate is a program that helps everybody who has a vision of creating their own online business

Wealthy Affiliate has an exciting and useful plan for you that will take your hand and guide you from the first step until the end of the ladder. They are helping you create your own online company, earn your own money from home, and becoming your own boss! It is reviewed by many people to be the most useful program for the newbies and experts.


How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work? 

Wealthy Affiliate has a straightforward way to give you what you need to know about online business. Once you register (you do that for free), you go to the training section. Once you click that, it takes you straight away into the getting started part, where you can start with the free course. That course has 10 lessons that are the core of the whole program and the best place for beginners.

Wealthy Affiliate’s Free Lessons Course Contains: 

  1. An Intro.
  2. Understanding how to make money online.
  3. Choose a niche (interest).
  4. Building your own niche site.
  5. Setting up your website.
  6. Getting your site ready for search engines.
  7. Creating your own initial website content.
  8. Creating custom menus on your website.
  9. Understanding keywords.
  10. Congratulations and your next steps.

As you can see, these lessons hold pretty important information that you would definitely need to know before you do anything. Still, the craziest part is not getting free access to said lessons but creating your own websites while training! Pretty lit, isn’t it? 

Because Wealthy Affiliate is all about work, you simply can achieve nothing without work. It doesn’t allow you to learn and just keeps delaying the work, NA NA you learn while working!


How Does Wealthy Affiliate Provide Learning While Working?

First, as you watch their third lesson about (niches), you get to pick what niche you want your business to revolve around; it can be health, makeup, techniques, animals, etc. 

Basically, something that you find yourself passionate about (you can’t build a makeup business if you don’t like makeup!)

Picking a niche is pretty important because, in the business, it’s all about effort and hard work. If you are not interested, then you tend to get bored and lose the will to continue. 

Following, WA offers you two free websites to practice what you’ve learned in their fifth, sixth, and seventh lessons! Once you learn that, you immediately get to the work, creating your website, naming it, and choosing its theme and content based on the niche you had picked before.

Then, WA teaches you all you need to know about traffic or how to get people to visit your website in their 9th lesson. All you need to do is to pay attention and do exactly what they teach you to do. 

You see, work is all about benefiting from people who have been in the same business before, successful people have only advice which is: ask for help from the right ones. 

Nobody can achieve success overnight. You have to know other people’s mistakes not to repeat them, saving you a lot of time and energy. Wealthy Affiliate provides you with that and more, making it one of the most outstanding programs for whoever is thinking about this domain.


Can You Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate

The answer to this question is yes, and no at the same time; why? Because Wealthy Affiliate is not an app that you can use to work and make money. 

It is a program that teaches you HOW to make money online, so once you prepare your website, get your visitors, you can start earning money by promoting products, advertisement and every time a visitor buys something from your website, you earn money. 

That’s basically how Wealthy Affiliate works, it is not a tool to make money with, but a means to teach you how to make money using other tools they provide you with.

Reasons Behind Wealthy Affiliate’s Bad Reviews

Before we get into more details and answer the question, is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or legitimate, let’s talk about WA’s bad reviews! 

Amongst the online business community, many marketers speak about how much WA has been a very helpful guide for them along their journey. Still, we might hear some bad-mouthing about the program here and there, and the ultimate reason behind it is false and wrong expectations. 

We explained above how Wealthy Affiliate works precisely. SO if you are following WA’s guidance, then there is no way you can ever have a bad experience with the program.


Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam Or Legitimate

Let’s cut right to the chase and answer that question. Depending on many successful marketer’s experiences, Wealthy Affiliate is legitimate!

Still Not Convinced? Alright, here are nine powerful proofs that Wealthy Affiliate is the definition of legitimate:

1- Newbie Friendly

When everything is simple before you, then you can see through what’s going on! WA tries to show you “how to” in the most straightforward ways ever. So you wouldn’t get involved in any nasty game because something is missing in your information.

WA hides nothing, and they tell you literally all their secrets, which makes it very newbie-friendly. They take your hand and climb with you step by step, without taking you for advantage just because you are a new member.

2- You Can Stay As A Free Member As Much As You Like

As we mentioned before, you can register into the program for free, and then get access to a bunch of essential lessons, AND benefit from two free coded websites for you to use! 

WA doesn’t pressure you to get the premium account (unlike other programs). You can subscribe whenever you feel like you can take another step forward, and of course, if the whole program is appealing to you.

3- Action Is Key

Again, unlike other apps/programs, WA allows you to exercise your own knowledge by making you put that information into radical action because every career starts with a step. And WA provides you with that step, making you able to launch the basics for your empire in the least amount of time.

4- No Shady Methods

Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or legitimate? No shady methods = legitimate business.

There are so many programs/apps/websites that might allure you with fake titles and headlines, such as how to earn money today or get your first dollar RIGHT NOW, you know, stuff like that. 

But, trust me, speed is not the matter. It would be best if you built strong and steady basics for your building to stand firm in the face of the storm. What is the benefit if you make it in a week and have it destroyed the next month! 

Just like a business, you can go for shady ways and earn money quite faster, but it is not going to last, and soon, your website is going to get locked or blocked. 

Nobody wants that; thus, when you follow WA’s lead, you will stay in the safe zone and build trustworthy relationships with your clients, and as a result, your business will grow wider with every passing day.


5- Guidance & Support 24/7 

Not only are their free lessons to help you out using a step-by-step method, but WA also offers a live discussion (live chat) that shows you all the questions asked by people and the answers. And it also gives you the chance to ask and benefit from everyone else.

We all need that one coach to have our company correcting our mistakes and telling us about each and every next step. WA is that teacher we all want to hire because without a good teacher; you can never reach your goals. You will waste a lot of time investing your energy, mental health, and money in the wrong tools.

6- Wealthy Affiliate Has Been In The Business For Ages

Exceptionally, how can a program that’s been there for more than 15 years be a scam?! That’s not logical. Wealthy Affiliate has been helping people since 2005 when Kyle and Carson started the program, and people got really interested in signing up.

So if you have doubts about whether Wealthy Affiliate is a scam or legitimate, here is the tea, no scam program will last all of these years and get bought by thousands of people. Just think about it!

7- Create Your Website Now 

WA promotes experiencing the joy of going for the first step and exhibits delaying, I know better! For people who have visions about starting a new business. It will be a celebration when the first step is done, especially that real life is a tiring and busy place. 

You might watch your visions get washed away by your daily tasks and interactions that’d make you lose purpose and delay your “starter point” to LATER.

With WA that later will turn into “RIGHT NOW!” no more watching educational videos and nodding heads to only wake up the next day for nothing. Now it is time for the real work.

8- Long-Lasting Results

Honesty and clarity are the keys to a healthy business. The twisted ways might move faster but not for a long time. WA gives you the right, legal ways to create a long-lasting business, and with that, you’ll never worry about getting your online web blocked or removed.

9- Even For Experts WA Is #1 Option

Last but not least, Wealthy Affiliate has levels for everyone. There is a free level 1 course with 10 lessons for beginners. But with their premium upgrade, there are another 4 levels with 140 lessons! And a lot of additional tools and methods you get once you purchase.


My Answer To The Question, Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam Or Legitimate?

Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam or Legitimate? Now you know the answer, Wealthy Affiliate has its position as the number one guiding tool into online affiliate marketing for a reason. Also, WA got a firm 4.8 rating on Trustpilot, making this platform even more trustworthy.

A powerful program, interesting and helpful lessons, a bunch of free things, and of course, the outstanding tools they provide you with.

Therefore, if the Wealthy Affiliate program appeals to you, what are you waiting for? Get your own free membership right now and check it out yourself.

From my experience, Wealthy Affiliate is a legitimate way to learn everything related to creating a website, blogs, and affiliate marketing related business. 

Not only that, you can learn with their weekly webinars, lessons, and courses (with no additional fees) everything that will improve your business from learning Ads on all platforms to copyrighting.

Please note, this review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain as well as my personal experience as a member. Any recommendations and/or conclusions are strictly opinions and may not apply to, or agree with, all persons or situations. See full disclaimer for more info.

This page includes affiliate links. Please be aware we only promote advertising from companies that we feel we can legitimately recommend to our readers. Please see our Affiliate Disclosure for further information.

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